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Types of mFunds

Managed funds are available in a broad range of asset classes and styles to help investors achieve their investment goals

Types of funds offered through mFund

A large variety of professionally managed funds are offered through mFund . They are offered by both large and boutique fund managers with a range of capabilities. 

Fixed interest and bonds - These are typically lower-risk investments. They can include government bonds, bank bills, or corporate debt.

Shares – Shares in listed companies in Australia, overseas or both are the primary asset. These funds offer the potential for higher returns but with higher risk. Funds will generally focus on either Australian or international shares and may also focus on a speciality such as emerging markets or a sector such as Australian resources.  

Property – The focus of property funds is residential, industrial or commercial properties or property developments. Some property funds focus on a theme such as generating a high income.

Infrastructure – These assets can include motorways, airports, utility companies and power stations. They may be global or Australian or a combination.

Also called multi-sector funds, mixed asset funds invest in different types of asset classes. They may be labelled according to their risk profile, such as conservative, moderate or growth.

The range of specialised funds available on mFunds is broad. They include goal-focused funds, such as those aiming to achieve a certain return, thematic funds that invest according to an investment theme and quantitative funds that use statistical tools to make investment decisions. Also available are ethical funds, absolute return funds and long/short funds.