• publish

Consultation material

Response to Consultation – 1 April 2016 Central Counterparty Recovery – Response to Consultation Feedback on Exposure Draft Rules for Interim Replenishment of Default Funds. 

Non-confidential submissions:

Operating Rules:

A copy of the proposed amended ASX Recovery Rules is available at: ASX Recovery Rulebook

A mark-up of the proposed amendments to the ASX Recovery Rules from those contained in the December 2015 Consultation Paper is available at: ASX Recovery Rulebook

Consultation Paper 4 – 4 December 2015

Central Counterparty Recovery – Consultation on Exposure Draft Rules for Interim Replenishment of Default Funds

Exposure Draft Rules: ASX Recovery Rulebook

Response to Consultation – 17 August 2015

Central Counterparty Recovery – Response to Consultation feedback on exposure draft rules to implement loss allocation and replenishment tools for clearing participant default and non-default loss

Non confidential submission:

Operating Rules:

A consolidation of the proposed new and amended operating rules for ASX Clear and ASX Clear (Futures) outlined in the April Consultation Paper and this Response to Consultation are available at:

A mark-up of the amendments to the proposed new and amended operating rules from those contained in the April Consultation Paper are available at:

Consultation Paper 2 – 21 April 2015
Central Counterparty Recovery – Consultation on Exposure Draft Rules to Implement loss allocation and replenishment tools for Clearing Participant default and non-default loss

International Comparison of CCP non-default loss allocation rules

Exposure Draft Rules:

Consultation Paper 1 – 2 October 2014
ASX Consultation Paper 1 Central Counterparty Recovery: uncovered loss allocation and replenishment tools for clearing participant default
Consultation Questions (Schedule 7 to ASX Consultation Paper 1). 
International Comparison of CCP Recovery-Related Operating Rules.

Non-confidential submissions:

Reference Material