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ASX Centre Point

Australia’s largest anonymous matching system offering the potential for superior trading strategy outcomes through deep liquidity, price improvement, diversity of counterparties and quality execution

Superior trading outcomes

Centre Point is purpose built to deliver investors a superior trading outcome, providing the flexibility, control, and protection, delivering price improvement with every execution.

Meaningful price improvement

ASX Centre Point delivers meaningful price improvement with every execution across all listed securities, with over $1.5 billion in price improvement delivered since inception.

Greater protection

All ASX Centre Point orders are matched and executed anonymously. Users can further protect against information leakage or 'pinging' by adopting one of the system's  execution controls, which are designed to give users greater control over counterparty engagement.

True diversity

As the system is open to all trading participants it is able to offer users the widest range of potential counterparties including long-term, wholesale and retail investors  across all ASX securities.

Deepest liquidity

Housing the deepest pool of dark liquidity available means ASX Centre Point delivers greater fill rates. When orders are routed with ASX Sweep, users gain seamless interaction with ASX TradeMatch, Australia's largest source of Lit liquidity.