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ASX public consultations



On 28 June 2024, ASX released a response paper summarising feedback received to the 14 March 2024 consultation paper titled CHESS Replacement: Consultation paper on staged implementation approach and implementation of Release 1 (Clearing Services) and ASX’s response to the feedback.

This consultation paper sought feedback on:

  • the staged approach and timing for replacing CHESS in two separate releases (Releases 1 and 2);
  • the design, scope and schedule for Release 1; and
  • the industry testing approach for Release 1.

ASX received 22 written responses from stakeholders including Approved Market Operators, Participants, Software Providers, Industry Bodies and other interested parties.

Public non-confidential submissions were received from the following respondents:

ASX thanks all stakeholders that provided written feedback. Given the overall support for a staged implementation, and for the proposed design, scope and schedule for Release 1 of the CHESS Replacement Project, ASX does not propose to make material changes to the Release 1 design and scope proposals as set out in the consultation paper.

Some adjustments have been made to the proposed industry testing timeframes for Release 1, which have resulted in corresponding changes to the proposed overall Release 1 timeline. The suite of Release 1 industry testing documentation has also been updated. 

The Release 1 go-live date will be set with industry stakeholders as part of finalising the Release 1 Cutover and Migration Approach documentation, targeted for publication in Q2 2025.

ASX will continue to engage with stakeholder working groups that report to the CHESS Replacement Technical Committee on aspects of testing, cutover and go-live which may need to be further refined over time. 


On 13 May 2024, ASX released a consultation paper titled ASX clearing and settlement operating rules review and refresh.

This consultation paper outlines proposed amendments that relate to the five year review and refresh of the ASX Clear Operating Rules and Procedures, ASX Settlement Operating Rules and Procedures and Austraclear Regulations and Procedures.

This includes enhancements to support continued compliance with clearing and settlement facility licence obligations such as a broader power to request information from participants, a requirement for clearing participants to notify and update contacts to support the use of recovery powers, and a broader emergency power to enable ASX Clear to take action if an undesirable situation or practice develops that is contrary to a fair and effective clearing and settlement facility or the reduction of systemic risk.

ASX welcomes feedback from stakeholders on the draft rule amendments. Written submissions are requested by 12 July 2024.


On 13 May 2024, ASX released a consultation paper titled ASX 24 and ASX Clear (Futures) – Change to position reporting framework and review and refresh of operating rules.

This consultation paper outlines proposed amendments to the ASX 24 Operating Rules and Procedures and ASX Clear (Futures) Operating Rules and Procedures that relate to:

  • the transfer of obligations for allocations, position limits and daily reporting of Open Positions from Trading Participants to Clearing Participants. The amendments also introduce additional fields for position reporting and clarify the requirements for managing net-down obligations (including post-expiry). To support the amendments, ASX Clear (Futures) proposes to introduce a Guidance Note on position management.   
  • the five year review and refresh of the ASX Clear (Futures) Operating Rules and Procedures. This includes enhancements to support continued compliance with clearing and settlement facility licence obligations such as a broader power to request information from participants, a requirement for clearing participants to notify and update contacts to support the use of recovery powers, and a broader emergency power to enable ASX Clear (Futures) to take action if an undesirable situation or practice develops that is contrary to a fair and effective clearing and settlement facility or the reduction of systemic risk.

ASX welcomes feedback from stakeholders on the draft rule amendments. Written submissions are requested by 12 July 2024.


On 23 April 2024, ASX published an industry whitepaper following on from the establishment of the T+1 working group. The ASX Business Committee formed the T+1 Working Group in December 2023 to provide analysis and insights to the Business Committee on settlement cycle compression. Working group members have provided input into this paper. The paper Considerations for accelerating cash equities settlement in Australia to T+1 explores strategic considerations for a potential transition to T+1.

Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written feedback by 18 June 2024 via Qualtrics. Feedback will be compiled and shared where appropriate. ASX will aim to publish a summary of feedback in August 2024.


On 17 April 2024, ASX released a consultation paper titled CHESS Replacement Partnership Program: Development Incentive Pool Future Milestones Consultation Paper

This consultation paper invites feedback on the proposed structure of the future payment milestones and allocation of funds under the CHESS Replacement Partnership Program (Partnership Program) Development Incentive Pool. The Partnership Program is designed to encourage continued participation in the CHESS replacement project by supporting eligible participants (Program Participants) to undertake the requisite technological and associated development activities to successfully interface with Release 2 of the CHESS replacement solution. The proposed milestones represent Release 2 critical path milestones that require uplift from eligible Program Participants to support increased engagement and testing activities. 

ASX welcomes industry feedback on the proposals outlined in this consultation paper, which will be key in helping ASX to make an informed decision regarding a payment milestone structure and allocation of funds that benefits all relevant stakeholders. Written submissions are requested by 15 May 2024.


On 14 March 2024, ASX released a consultation paper titled Consultation Paper on Staged Implementation Approach and Implementation of Release 1 (Clearing Services).   

This consultation paper discusses the details of the proposed staged implementation of the CHESS replacement solution across two main releases, and seeks industry feedback on a high-level project plan and an indicative timeline for those releases, including their design, scope and timing. It also seeks input on the proposed scope of and implementation approach for Release 1, including system development and testing, technical accreditation, documentation and operational readiness. The proposed first release will implement the new solution for the clearing component of CHESS and Financial Information eXchange (FIX) messaging for trade registration for all market operators, and is designed to minimise disruption for Clearing and Settlement (CS) Participants by maintaining the existing CHESS message interface and business processes, and offering a familiar operational environment.

This is the first of two consultation papers seeking feedback on the staged implementation approach to CHESS replacement. Feedback received in response to this consultation paper will inform ASX’s second consultation targeted for Q3 2024 which will seek stakeholder feedback on the proposed Release 2, which will implement the remaining clearing components, settlement and subregister functionality and updated messaging interfaces to participants, registries and payment providers.  

ASX welcomes industry views on the proposals outlined in this consultation paper. In addition to seeking feedback, this consultation paper is intended to provide information to impacted stakeholders to enable them to commence planning and allocating their own resources to implement CHESS replacement. Written submissions are requested by 24 April 2024.  

Policy submissions to government


06/06/24On 6 June 2024, ASX made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission's consultation on Transmission Access Reform. The submission focused on a question in the consultation paper relating to the impact of the proposed hybrid model on financial markets. 
15/05/24On 15 May 2024, ASX made a submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee Inquiry into the wholesale investor and wholesale client tests. The ASX submission encouraged the Committee to consider potential impacts on the ability for issuers to raise capital and on investment diversity for investors when contemplating any changes. 
12/04/24On 12 April 2024, ASX made a submission to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee Inquiry on Treasury Laws Amendment (Financial Market Infrastructure and Other Measures) Bill 2024 which reiterated support for the Bill, and detailed our constructive engagement to date on the financial market infrastructure reforms.
22/04/24On 22 April 2024, ASX made a submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services’ inquiry into the ‘Oversight of ASIC, the Takeovers Panel and the Corporations Legislation’ in relation to ASX’s CHESS replacement project.


On 1 March 2024, ASX made a submission to the Department of Home Affairs’ consultation on legislative reforms proposed as part of the Cyber Security Strategy. The submission provides in-principle support for the proposed reforms, but notes the need to minimise regulatory duplication where possible, ensure appropriate safeguards on the exercise of last-resort powers, and balance the need for government to have access to information with the need to avoid an undue regulatory burden.


On 29 February 2024, ASX provided a submission to the Treasury consultation on the draft legislative instruments determining the scope of application of the yet to be released ASIC CS services rules and the arbitration regime under the competition in clearing and settlement legislation. ASX’s submission notes that the definition of ‘cash equity’ in the instrument is aligned with industry’s understanding of the term. It also suggests that the explanatory materials should include an explanation of the matters taken into account by the Minister in making the instrument (as required by the legislation), and that a mechanism for review/amendment of the instrument should be clearly articulated.


On 9 February, ASX made a submission to Treasury’s consultation on exposure draft legislation mandating climate-related financial disclosures. ASX is supportive of the proposed reforms, but notes risks with the current proposed start date of 1 July 2024 and suggests that at least a 12 month transition period be provided.

09/02/24On 9 February 2024, ASX made a submission to Treasury’s consultation on draft legislation relating to Financial Market Infrastructure Regulatory Reforms. ASX’s submission is broadly supportive of the reforms, noting that the changes will bring Australia into alignment with international counterparts. The submission covers a number of technical issues intended to achieve better outcomes consistent with the policy intent articulated by the Government.


On 19 January 2024, ASX made a submission to the RBA’s consultation on increasing the threshold for the application of the Financial Stability Standards for Securities Settlement Facilities (SSFs) from $200 million to $40 billion in annual value of settled financial obligations.