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Sharemarket Game news

Read the latest tips and updates for the Sharemarket Game

Newly listed VanEck Bitcoin ETF has been added to the Game

On 20 June 2024 ASX welcomed VBTC to the exchange. It is the first crypto ETF on ASX and has now been added to the Game's company list!

Movers and shakers

June may have ended and a new financial year commenced, but the Sharemarket Game carries on – and competition for the top spot remains fierce.


Participant name

Portfolio value as at 5/07/24


Shadunk - VIC



Bugidifino – QLD$64,406.80


Spyforce - WA

Top university portfolioSouled – University of Melbourne$58,735.54
Most improved for the month*MickB - NSW$52,433.05

It was an interesting month for investors, with economic data across much of the world starting to soften and fears of a so-called ‘hard-landing’ beginning to abate [1].  

The inflationary conditions that have weighed on many growth stocks appear to be waning in most jurisdictions and many central banks (including the US Federal Reserve) look poised to cut rates, if they haven’t already started. 

That helped the US benchmark S&P 500 index rally 3.35% over the month. By 8 July, both the S&P 500 and the more technology-focused NASDAQ had reached record high closes. 

Australian markets also shared in that enthusiasm, albeit in a more subdued manner. Inflation data across the antipodean continent remained higher than expected and the RBA cautioned that the path back to target may be “slower than forecast” [2]

Subsequently, gains on the ASX were less than those notched up in the US, with the ASX 200 returning 0.84% for the month.

With elections in the UK and France recently wrapping up, and the US heading to the polls in just a few months, investors will be watching to see how looming leadership changes may affect their portfolios. 

‘Material’ gains for Game leader

At the top of the leader board this month is Shadunk, from Victoria, with a portfolio value of $65,052.92 – of which roughly $13,000 is held in cash.

The remaining money has been invested into only a handful of companies, two-thirds of which are in the materials sector. This high level of concentration places Shadunk at risk of significant losses if the market turns against materials.

It would also jeopardise their current position in the Game, given that the runner up, Queensland’s Bugidifino, is less than $1,000 behind with a portfolio value of $64,406.80.

Bugidifino’s portfolio is diversified across several key industries, including energy, consumer services, and semiconductors and related equipment. A significant portion of the portfolio (about $34,400) is also held in cash.

This could be a defensive play – cash has historically had very low volatility, meaning that while it typically doesn’t deliver large returns, it also rarely loses money for investors. Cash is also incredibly liquid, giving Bugidifino the option to quickly deploy their capital and take advantage of new opportunities later in the Game.

Nipping at Bugidifino’s heels is Western Australian player, Spyforce

Spyforce’s $63,673.01 portfolio is close to 100% invested and the most diversified in the top three, with holdings in the healthcare, consumer services, energy, materials, financial services, and media and entertainment sectors. 

Diversification driving success

The most improved player for June, MickB from NSW, made massive strides over the month, climbing from 5,659th place all the way to 919th – a massive leap by any measure.  

MickB has invested aggressively, holding only about $226 of their $52,433.05 portfolio in cash. The remaining sum has been invested across several industries, notably pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, materials and energy.

A little higher up the pack was this month’s University leader, the University of Melbourne’s Souled, with $58,735.54 in their portfolio. Much like many of June’s other stand-out players, Souled has taken positions in both the materials and semiconductor sectors, but augmented this with a cryptocurrency ETF – offering further diversification.



[1] K Craig, ‘Monthly Market Review – June 2024 (Australia)’, J.P. Morgan, 3 July 2024, accessed 9 July 2024

[2] Reserve Bank of Australia, ‘Minutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting of the Reserve Bank Board’, 17 & 18 June 2024, accessed 9 July 2024

* We award a $500 prize for the most improved participant of the month. This will be calculated for the periods of:

  • 7 March-4 April (prize 1) - Winner: Spyforce
  • 5 April-2 May (prize 2) - Winner: Stan
  • 3 May-6 June (prize 3) - Winner: Dematri79 
  • 7 June-4 July (prize 4) - Winner: MickB
  • 5 July-1 August, (prize 5), and
  • 1 August–5 September (prize 6).


Most improved portfolio winners share their experience

MickB - NSW

A few minutes of entertainment to exercise my brain, beats playing sudoku. I  enjoy it more as it’s pretend money I’m playing with to give me confidence in understanding how the share market works.

1) Have you played the game before? If yes, how many times?
On and off for the last few years.

2) How many hours a day do you spend on the game – including research etc.?
Not everyday, 15min or so when it opens, then I check before close.

3) How are you selecting your companies?
When something falls I buy it and wait.

4) Are you testing any strategies?
I have no strategy. 

5) How are you handling the market volatility?
I think I lucked out on a couple.

6) Any lesson you have learnt so far?
Yes, sit and wait, they eventually go up.

Dematri79 - NSW

It's been fascinating to analyze market trends, make informed decisions, and see the outcomes of my fundamental based strategies in real-time. This experience has significantly enhanced my understanding of stock trading and investment principles. 

1) Have you played the game before? If yes, how many times?
3 times.

2) How many hours a day do you spend on the game – including research etc.?
Approximately 1 - 2 hours.

3) How are you selecting your companies?
Based on fundamentals.

4) Are you testing any strategies?

5) How are you handling the market volatility?
I track the US VIX to gauge the volatility and eventually set my stop loss.

6) Any lesson you have learnt so far?
Patience is the key, invest in good companies and give time.

Stan - WA

The toughest part of the game this time is just when you think you have some momentum it fades out or simply reverses on a pin. To try to counter that I have been taking profits after any strong move. This is easy to say but hard to do consistently.

1) Have you played the game before? If yes, how many times?
Yes, 3 times.

2) How many hours a day do you spend on the game – including research etc.?
30 min

3) How are you selecting your companies?
At present inflation sensitive and potential product shortages.

4) Are you testing any strategies?

5) How are you handling the market volatility?
After a decent move I return to cash but it is tricky.

6) Any lesson you have learnt so far?
Nothing new.

Spyforce - WA

My experience so far has been great in fact has made me go back into the market and buy shares again as I have now got a better understanding of the workings  of the market. It's good that the Game lasts a lot longer as I am sure it shows how share purchases are a long term investment. 

1) Have you played the game before? If yes, how many times?
Yes, I played it the last 2 times - both I was way down in the ranking.

2) How many hours a day do you spend on the game – including research etc.?
I would only spend 30/60 minutes a day.

3) How are you selecting your companies?
Mainly I pick companies I use or know a good deal about.

4) Are you testing any strategies?
Yes, but not in the game saving for the next game.

5) How are you handling the market volatility?
I don't  panic as with the rules we can only have a certain percentage in any one company.

6) Any lesson you have learnt so far?
Investing in Shares is a long term investment not a rich / broke overnight splash.

Paper craft illustration of brain filled with multi colored geometric shapes. Creative mind

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The views, opinions or recommendations of the authors of this market update are solely those of the authors and do not in any way reflect the views, opinions, recommendations, of ASX Limited ABN 98 008 624 691 and its related bodies corporate (“ASX”). ASX makes no representation or warranty with respect to the accuracy, completeness or currency of the content. The content in this market update is for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Independent advice should be obtained from an Australian financial services licensee before making investment decisions. To the extent permitted by law, ASX excludes all liability for any loss or damage arising in any way including by way of negligence.