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The Ideas Exchange by ASX 

Listen to our regular podcast series providing a fresh view of investing opportunities and strategies, plus monthly market wraps. 

About The Ideas Exchange

Tune into our regular podcast series, The Ideas Exchange, featuring monthly market updates, and interviews with a range of industry insiders and investment experts.

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Latest episode

July 2024

Philanthropic investing: it’s paying dividends

When most people think about their investment portfolio, rarely do they consider the impact their investments can have beyond financial returns. But how many investment companies can confidently say they are making a meaningful difference in the lives of Australians on a daily basis?

In this episode, Rory Cunningham from ASX sits down with Caroline Gurney, CEO of Future Generation, to discuss the intersection of philanthropy and investing. They delve into how Future Generation selects charities to support and how this philanthropic approach integrates with their broader investment strategy.

Listening time: 28:29 | Read transcript

About our guest

Caroline Gurney is Chief Executive Officer of Future Generation and has more than 25 years’ experience in the financial services sector focused on marketing, corporate affairs and corporate social responsibility. Caroline has held senior roles at UBS and Citibank and has worked in London, across Asia-Pacific and Australia during her career. 

About our host

Rory Cunningham is Senior Manager of Investment Products at the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). He is responsible for expanding the number and use of investment products that are available on ASX, which includes ETFs, Managed Funds, Listed Investment Companies, REITs, and Bonds. Before joining ASX Rory held positions at Fidelity Investments and Perpetual Investments.

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