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Futures market trading

Explore the advantages of trading on the Australian futures market

Featuring interest rate curve, equity indices and commodity products

Unlock trading opportunities in Australian and New Zealand markets 


The ASX 24 market is the leading trading venue for Australian and New Zealand interest rate, equity and commodity futures and options.

  • The Australian market features some of the world’s longest trading hours.
  • ASX operates in the wider Australian market and is supported by a stable political environment, AAA credit rating and robust regulation.
  • ASX 24 offers access to a liquid and diverse trading community.


ASX 24 Products

Gain access to a range of liquid, diverse and globally traded products on ASX 24, such as 3 and 10 Year Bonds, 90 Day Bank Bills and SPI 200™ Index Futures

ASX 24 offers access to Australian and New Zealand dollar futures and options in the following asset classes:

Interest Rate Futures and Options

Equity Derivatives and Options

Australian & NZ Electricity Derivatives

Australian & NZ Environmental Derivatives

Australian Grain Derivatives

Deep liquidity

Trade with ease on ASX 24. Gain access to deep liquidity in interest rate and equity derivative products, as well as an extensive list of global clearers.

Derivatives market prices

Diverse trading community and incentive program

Australia and New Zealand’s futures markets are made up of a diverse range participants including banks, super funds, government agencies, hedge funds and proprietary trading firms.

ASX welcomes new entrants to the ASX 24 market by offering a range of incentive programs to support new trading participants.

The ASX’s New Principal Trader Program lowers barriers to entry for corporations and individuals that have not traded in the ASX 24 market for two years. This consists of a 100% rebate on the exchange trade fee when transacting certain ASX futures and options contracts.

New Principal Trading Program

Capital efficiency

ASX Clear (Futures) offer customers high margins and capital efficiency, using the SPAN margin methodology and portfolio margining.

ASX 24 Clear (Futures) offers inter-commodity spread concessions.

ASX Clear (Futures) 

ASX 24 Trading Platform

Trade Australia and New Zealand’s futures markets with confidence. ASX 24 provides access to advance technology and functionality for all your risk management and trading needs.

ASX 24 Trading Platform Guide

Accessing ASX 24 Market

Connect to ASX markets through the Australia Liquidity Centre (ALC) – a purpose built data centre and co-location facility.

ASX Net Global is a low-latency cable network solution linking international businesses to the ALC as well as ASX’s trading platforms, market data services, and clearing and settlement facilities.

Discuss market access options with an ASX representative or ASX 24 Trading Participant today.

ASX Connectivity Services

ASX 24 Trading Participants

Quick Links for ASX 24

ASX Futures Volumes and Market Dynamics

A quarterly report providing a breakdown of activity across the Asian and European/US trading sessions for benchmark ASX Equity and Interest Rate Futures products.


Trading and Market Insights

Latest insights from the Australian Cash and Derivatives Market