Supplementary Offering Circular - AMPWAQ and CMLWAS

Document date:  Wed 05 Dec 2001
Published:  Wed 05 Dec 2001 00:00:00
Document No:  184587
Document part:  A
Market Flag:  N


HOMEX - Melbourne                                                     

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ABN 11 005 357 522
(ANZ) has made the following changes to the AMPWAQ and CMLWAS Series
of warrants (Warrants) effective 5 December 2001:

AMPWAQ     Exercise Price (per Underlying Security):    $19.00

CMLWAS     Exercise Price (per Underlying Security):     $8.00

This is a Supplementary Offering Circular to the Offering Circular
dated 25 October 2001 issued by ANZ as Warrant Issuer and ANZ
Securities Limited ABN 16 004 997 111 (ANZ Securities) as Broker to
the Issue (Offering Circular). There were no holders of the Warrants
other than ANZ or its associates at the time of the change. No other
term of the Warrants was varied and no other part of the Offering
Circular is affected.

No other circumstance has arisen and no other information has become
available since the date of the Offering Circular that should
materially affect an investor's assessment of the risks, rights and
obligations associated with the Warrants or the capacity of the
Issuer to honour and to perform its obligations in respect of the

Copies of the Offering Circular may be obtained from ANZ Securities
by calling 1800 337 358.

This Supplementary Offering Circular is issued for the purposes of
the ASX Business Rules. Unless the context otherwise requires,
interpretation rules applying to the Offering Circular apply in this
Supplementary Offering Circular. This is not a disclosure document
registered or lodged under Part 6D of the Corporations Law and
Australian Stock Exchange Limited and Australian Securities and
Investments Commission take no responsibility for its contents.
Neither of AMP Limited or Coles Myer Limited has had no involvement
in the preparation and issue of this Supplementary Offering Circular.
ANZ Securities engages in market making activities in relation to the
Warrants and is responsible for managing the hedging strategies of
its associate, ANZ. For these purposes, a related body corporate
beneficially owns all of the Warrants not held by investors. The
number of Warrants held necessarily fluctuates from time to time. In
managing the hedging strategies, ANZ Securities may deal in shares
the subject of Warrants or any derivative of those shares.

Potential investors should always seek expert independent advice
relating to their own financial situation and objectives before
investing in warrants.