Announcements - Search results

Search results: Company announcements for
Released between 01/01/2021 and 31/12/2021

NOTICE - company delisted

  • Company code "LNG" delisted as of 01/03/2021
    As from the close of trading on Friday, 26 February 2021, the abovementioned company will be removed from the Official List pursuant to Listing rule 17.15.

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Announcements released as LNG
Date Price sens. Headline
9:58 AM
  Removal from Official List (Annual Listing Fees)
1 page 116.9KB
9:59 AM
asterix Suspension from Official Quotation
1 page 436.3KB
3:39 PM
asterix Notification of DOCA termination
1 page 107.5KB
6:09 PM
  Notice of extension to sunset date
1 page 129.4KB
11:25 AM
  Notice of extension to Sunset Date
1 page 124.0KB

Useful Information

Other companies that have used the code 'LNG'

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